If you’re looking to purchase a table and supplies, here are some recommendations and guidance to keep in mind:
How Will You Use It?
It really depends on how you see yourself using the table. The size and weight of it matters, especially if you think you’ll be moving it around (putting it up, taking it down, storing it, carrying it up or down stairs, doing mobile work and having to carry/load it to a car etc).
A lighter table will be easier on your body to move from it’s storage spot, to another room, up or down stairs, into a vehicle and to be set up and taken down. Or if you think your table will only be used on occasion at home or it will stay up for longer stretches of time, then weight won’t matter as much and you might want to consider buying a wider table for extra comfort to those laying on it.
Size – Weight, Width and Length:
30lbs is about average for a table. There are heavier ones that are wider for larger size bodies, and lighter ones that are easier for move-ability.
I like a 30” inch wide table.
I find it fits all my client’s body sizes best, especially those that are broader. These tables may be a bit heavier – like 34lbs. So the drawback is that it is heavier to carry or move around.
28” width is the absolute minimum you’ll need. Anything less than this and arms will likely fall off sides of table. You can find a table this size for a lighter weight too, making it ideal for portable use.
Standard tables are 72” inches in length — so 6ft. If you have someone in your life that is taller than that, it might be worth going up to an 84” table (but again, larger table is going to be heavier). I use a 72” table.
Brand of Table:
I have multiple Master brand tables being used at the Reiki Energy School and they have been great value and durability (some I’ve had over a decade now, and the faux leather is just starting to peel, but the structure of table is going strong!). So I highly recommend them based on my experience.
There are other lesser known brands too that you can find but I can’t speak to their quality or durability.
Online Ordering:
If ordering online, be sure to check ‘return shipping’ policies. If you aren’t satisfied and would have to return it, it is a very big and heavy item and paying for return shipping could be very expensive. Some Amazon affiliate sellers will be looped into the ‘free returns’ but definitely check to make sure that is the case before ordering. Read the fine print.
If ordering online isn’t your style, you can keep your eyes on local marketplace and buy and sells and hope a table that suits your needs shows up. Have patience. This could take some time, and they are often priced close to what you’d pay buying a new one online.
I use a foam topper on my table (I think I bought a foam at a big box store that was Queen and cut it in half and stacked it), but there are also designated massage table toppers that can add a little plushness underneath too. As for sheets, you really only need to drape a twin top sheet over top of it. And again, there are massage table fitted sheets available if that is more your style.
I have a whole page on my website with equipment and accessories that I use or recommend. Feel free to browse it and get some ideas or you could use the links (click on the pictures) to take you directly to the amazon pages to purchase:

Hope this is helpful!
Enjoy setting up your space and making it your own.