When you feel like the rest of the world, or the people in your life aren’t loving you the way you want to be loved, or loving you enough, go within.
Take the time to quietly sit with yourself.
Take long, slow nourishing breaths.
Ask this inner self, this inner wisdom, “What do you need right now?”
Patiently wait for the answer to come.
More than likely it will be a feeling or emotion that you will need.
Like love. or to feel safe. or ease. or peace…..
Don’t discount anything that arises.
This is your inner wisdom, your inner voice, your inner self speaking to you.
Go within and tap into this infinite well of love that is always present within you.
Acknowledge the presence of love and joy within you.
You are worthy of this love and worthy of growing it within yourself.
You are worthy of acknowledging yourself, of asking for what you need in life, and for receiving this….. all from yourself.
You are worthy. Period.